World Creation Academy: Apprenticeship

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World Creation Academy: Apprenticeship


The Apprenticeship is a consultation service provided by Jon Sideriadis in live online sessions. Each session is one hour long and you can bring any world building topic to the table. During this time, you can discuss your work to receive for feedback, and spend time one-on-one with Jon as you develop master-level world building skills. All world building topics are welcome, and Jon will work with you to make your world, storytelling, setting design, and character design more polished and original.

If you’re starting from scratch, he will tell you all you need to know about world building, from your first map or character description to publishing and distributing your final product.

After purchasing each session:

Email Jon at and he will help you schedule your first session on your preferred video chat platform.

Jon is an award-winning author and illustrator. He is also a certified writing and illustration professor. He has taught this course on the university level as both a writing course and an illustration course for thirteen years. He has also taught it as a master class to professionals in the illustration and publishing fields. While in Hollywood at the Tatopoulos Studios Creature Shop, he worked on monster sculptures, promo materials, and creature effects for Godzilla, Underworld, and Silent Hill. He recently completed a 5e-compatible RPG adventure book for Hit Point Press. Jon is currently working on his fourth illustrated fiction book while teaching on the college level and working for companies like Hasbro, Dwarven Forge, and Goodman Games.

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